Environmental Resources Toolkit This toolkit compiles external resources to support you in your journey to build capacity on various environmental topics.
Extreme weather preparedness Extreme weather preparedness involves comprehensive planning and readiness measures to ensure the safety of both our staff and the communities we work with. These measures...
Family life in IDO refugee camp in Bentiu Veronika and her children displaced by flooding in South Sudan and now they live in IDP refugee camp which hosts over 100,000 people forced to flee their homes ©Tomas Bendl/MSF...
Four Questions with Corentine Berthet: A Roadmap to Reducing Our Carbon Footprint The Supply Chain's Impact on MSF's Carbon Footprint.
Honduras: Responding to Dengue Fever, a Climate-Sensitive Disease MSF's response to a spike in dengue fever cases in Honduras.
Impacts of climate change on human health in humanitarian settings: Evidence gaps and future research needs This mixed-methods study focuses on the evidence of the health impacts of climate change on populations affected by humanitarian crises....
Inter-Agency Early Action to El Niño/La Nina episodes A practical guide to El Niño and La Nina events from the Inter-Agency Standing Committee.
KENYA: MSF emergency response to flooding in Tana River County. In late March 2024, severe flooding forced more than 43,000 people from their homes, and take shelter in 30 internally displaced people camps, disrupting lives and livelihoods in Tana River County....
Kiribati: MSF launches new project where climate change and public health collide The people of Kiribati are directly threatened by the impacts of climate change.