Extreme weather preparedness

Tools to support emergency response strategies in response to extreme events.

Extreme weather preparedness involves comprehensive planning and readiness measures to ensure the safety of both our staff and the communities we work with. These measures also aim to maintain the continuity of essential medical services during and after extreme weather events (floods, tropical cyclones, droughts, extreme heat). A non-exhaustive list of action elements to consider for extreme weather preparedness:

Risk assessment:

  • Evaluate the risks associated with different types of extreme weather events in the region of operation, such as floods, tropical cyclones, droughts and extreme heat.
  • Assess the vulnerabilities and capacities of health facilities and the surrounding communities.

INFORM Risk Index

Global Climate-related risk analytics

WFP PRISM (West Africa)

Emergency preparedness plans:

  • Develop detailed emergency preparedness plans and contingency plans, outlining roles and responsibilities during extreme weather events.
  • Integrate predictive tools and early warning systems within emergency preparedness plans.

WFP’s Advanced Disaster Alert and Mapping (ADAM)  

Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS)

Google FloodHub

Training and capacity building:

  • Train staff and volunteers on emergency preparedness, response and recovery procedures.
  • Hold regular simulations to ensure readiness and identify gaps in the response mechanism.