
The MSF Climate Hub presents the latest climate-related news from the movement as well as technical documents from MSF and other organizations.

MSF is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency assistance to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, exclusion from healthcare and disasters. Our support is extended solely based on need, without considering race, religion, gender or political affiliation. 

The ongoing climate crisis jeopardizes global health and well-being. The communities we work with are already enduring the ramifications of climate change. As the climate crisis intensifies, the magnitude and gravity of health and humanitarian challenges will escalate. Immediate measures are crucial to mitigate further distress and address the repercussions. MSF has pledged to acknowledge the climate crisis, adapt our operations, lessen our ecological impact, and champion causes that emphasize the health consequences of climate change for our patients, communities, and the organization – presently and looking ahead.

MSF has set forth bold, organization-wide climate objectives. This Hub is designed to propel MSF towards these aspirations. Open to past, present and future MSF colleagues, as well as partners, advocates and collaborators, it offers a trove of MSF’s climate resources and guidelines. This platform fosters learning, knowledge exchange and the amplification of vital actions. Additionally, the Hub features select content from external contributors.